Hallcrest’s Feverscan® Forehead Thermometers - Hands Free Temperature Screening

Hands Free Temperature Screening

Our supplier LCR Hallcrest’s Feverline® and Feverscan® reusable and disposable forehead thermometers were successfully used worldwide during the SARS epidemic to check for fevers in schools, offices, homes and at airports. LCR Hallcrest’s forehead fever thermometers are again in high demand now during the current CoVID-19 epidemic

Made in the USA and suitable for use on both adults and children, these fever thermometers are quick and easy to use. Simply place or have the patient affix, one against a person’s forehead and read the thermometer scale after 15 seconds.  Symptoms of this new Coronavirus include fever and coughing with an incubation period, before symptoms appear, of 2 to 14 days after exposure.

Feverscan Forehead Thermometer for Continuous Digital Temperature Event Monitoring For The Perioperative Environment. These liquid crystal thermometers are to be used on the forehead area only and are used to estimate the core body temperature. This is an ideal way to check for temperature changes.  These strips are meant to be used as an unbreakable, quick reading device to be used between clinical thermometer readings and to monitor trends. 

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